This site plans to be typically Irish by being informal and, hopefully, very friendly =]
The idea of this site is to create a catalogue of content of Irish media that is:
-1) Free
-2) Of high quality
-3) Available to anyone in the world
-4) Permanent
These goals will make the site more content rich, varied and available than anything our national/regional broadcastors offer.
The working of this site is that I'll create 'Topics' or 'Blog-posts' with regards to certain content like movies or music and then, in the comments section of the 'Blog-posts', anyone can post a link to the content. I will try to create as many 'Topics' as I can but i will need help of everyone to request 'Topics' as much as they can so it will be easier for people to post their links.
Requests can be be made by:
EMAIL eiretainment@gmail.com
BLOGPOST Request Page
TWITTER @eiretainment
This is a service that is FREE AND OPEN to everyone and that people should try to remain patient when requesting shows as no one is dedicated entirely to the site.
If we all work together we can create a great site with an unrivalled collection of Irish media that will put our broadcasters to shame!
Although the site will hopefully be informal, there are some rules(BOO!!!):
Spam WILL be deleted.
-However if someone is posting valid links to content I will gladly allow them to post their own site or a friend's if they have one.
Intending offense WILL NOT be tolerated.
-Using racism, hate speeches or just trying to offend someone will have their posts deleted and if continuing will be banned. While I believe in free speech, I also believe that people shouldn't have to endure abuse. I won't be extremely strict on this account as there are many 'offensive' terms used colloquially and don't mean to cause harm. In other words, only if one is intentionally trying to cause offense or harm .
As this site itself does not host content, users MUST upload their content to file hosting sites such as megaupload.com, rapidshare.com, etc. When the files is uploaded they can link the content in the open topics or send me a request.
When posting a link to a movie please using the following guidelines:
-1) Mention the title of the film(helps avoid errors)
-2) Give details on the films source (i.e. DVDrip, BDrip, TVrip etc.)
-3) Comment in as much detail as you can on the quality(Dimensions, Bitrate, Runlength, etc.)
This will leave a comment similar to this example:
"Link: www.(filehostersite).com/&dthe.wind.that.shakes.barley.avi
Title: The Wind That Shakes The Barley
Source: DVDrip
Detail: 640*480, 625kbps, 2:45:45"
Same procedure as movies except leave individual links for each episode. If the details are all the same, a footnote at the end of all the links is sufficent instead of writing out each one's detail repeatidly.
For song singles, just upload the song to any files hosting site and leave a comment in the topic. Similar rules to MOVIES:
-1) Post full title name
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